Based in France, Veritable is the leader in urban farming, providing sleek, innovative, unique solutions to easily grow and harvest a large range of fresh and healthy products right in your home.
The veritable line of solutions includes something for everybody - whether you're struggling to get that green thumb or if you want to expand your gardening prowess to be sustainable, efficient, and automatic. Test the waters with the Classic Veritable Garden; with specially designed color and light, it automatically remains active for 16 hours a day and off during 8 to imitate the natural daylight cycle - and even needs no natural light to grow! If you're looking to expand your smarthome, make the upgrade to the Veritable Connect and take control of the settings straight from your phone.
Growing herbs right in your kitchen enables you to harvest fresh food all year round with the use of Veritable Lingots. Coming from a combination of technologies for easy and efficient use, the Lingot refills contain all the essential nutrients and seeds needed for controlled and optimized harveting.
Now you can enjoy colorful, fragrant, delicious herbs every day that will liven up a simple salad or bring freshness to a fancy dinner party. Not to mention it'll be a statement piece in your kitchen as well!
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